The impact assessment of the pandemic on the quality and lifestyle of students

Katarzyna Golenia1, Agata Rzeszutko-Bełzowska1*

J. Sport. Res. and Innov., vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 11-26, January 2024

1Institute of Sports Sciences, University of Physical Education, 31-571 Kraków, Poland


Background: The aim of the research was to present aspects related to the impact of the pandemic on the quality and lifestyle of students majoring in Physical Education at the University of Rzeszów. Methods: The study was conducted on a group of 217 students from the University of Rzeszów – first, second, and third-year students majoring in Physical Education. In the surveyed group, there were 52.5% women and 47.5% men, aged between 19 and 25 years. The chosen method to implement the objectives outlined in this study was a survey based on a self-prepared questionnaire, developed according to standard principles of constructing such research tools. Results: In the context of the conducted research, it can be stated that the pandemic and its related restrictions have influenced a deterioration in the quality of life of the respondents. A moderate impact of gender on the quality and lifestyle of the respondents was observed both before the pandemic and during the partial lifting of restrictions. Regarding the impact of the pandemic on the quality and lifestyle of the respondents, it cannot be unequivocally stated whether it is inversely proportional to age, meaning it is higher the younger the respondents are. Conclusions: The respondents noticed changes in their body weight during the imposition of restrictions. The introduced limitations and the shift to remote learning resulted in a decrease in mood, worsened well-being, difficulties in concentration, and material assimilation for the surveyed students.

Keywords: pandemic, COVID-19, students, lifestyle


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