The Praxeological Characterization of the Goalkeeper Model in Defensive-Offensive Actions as a Determinant of Rational Training

Henryk Duda1, Mateusz Kaczor1*, Grzegorz Jakubiszyn2, Andrzej Szwarc3

J. Sport. Res. and Innov., vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 35-47, January 2024

1Department of Sports and Recreational Games of the Academy of Physical Education in Krakow, 31-571 Kraków, Poland;
2School of Football Sporting Excellence, 30-552 Kraków, Poland
3Academy of Physical Education and Sport in Gdańsk, 80-336 Gdańsk, Poland


Background: Contemporary trends in football player training emphasize the necessity of developing versatility and creativity among players, especially in the context of consciously achieving game objectives on the field. Praxeological models of sports play, particularly those based on observing masters, are crucial for creating effective training programs. Methods: An analysis of Polish Ekstraklasa goalkeepers’ play from 2012 to 2022 was conducted, based on indicators of field sector load and qualitative indicators of efficiency. An objective observation sheet was used to categorize goalkeepers’ actions in defense and attack. Results: Goalkeepers performed an average of 10.93 ball-handling actions in defense and 26.93 actions in attack per match. The efficiency of defensive actions was highest in the attacking zone and lowest in the middle zone. In attack, the highest effectiveness was noted in the defensive zone, and the lowest in the attacking zone. Conclusions: Goalkeeper training should encompass both defensive and offensive actions. The effectiveness of executing ball-handling actions in championship matches requires systematic training and perfect mastery of techniques. Support from other players and coordination of team actions are crucial for improving the goalkeeper’s efficiency in offensive play. Improving footwork skills is essential for goalkeepers, especially considering the increasing involvement of foot plays in their game.

Keywords: game analysis, effectiveness of working, efficiency of working, game topography


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